On 01.19.20 the Northern York County Regional Police Department’s Explorer Program met for a promotional ceremony.  The 2020 Explorer of the Year was also named at the ceremony. 

There were six members promoted to the rank of Explorer Corporal.  Promotions were earned by successfully passing a written exam and a practical exam.  The written exam tested their knowledge on police topics learned within the Explorer Program. 

The corporal candidates then had to pass a practical exam.  They were tested on police procedure and tactics that they have learned in the past year.

The Explorer Corporals were sworn in at the monthly Northern York County Board of Commissioner’s meeting.  There was a dinner with the Explorers and their families followed by cake and refreshments. 

The newly promoted Explorer Corporals will now be expected to take on leadership roles within the program. 

Congratulations go out to the new Explorer Corporals:

 Braden Brandt

Adam Bollinger

Malachi Buer

Samuel Fischer

Nathan Stefanowicz

Ryan Warner

The 2020 Explorer of the Year Award was also awarded.  The Explorer of the Year is Braden Brandt.  Braden has exemplified traits that will serve him well as he pursues a career in law enforcement such as honesty and an interest to learn.  Braden Brandt has had perfect attendance at the Explorer meetings.  He and has went on a ride along with patrol along with participating in many other community events. Congratulations to Braden Brandt on being awarded Explorer of the Year.

There were also four new members sworn in at the ceremony held by Explorer Post 1445. 
