On Tuesday August 1, 2023 from 5:30 to 8:00pm the Northern York County Regional Police Department and our constituent municipalities will host our 12th annual National Night Out Celebration.  National Night Out is designed to foster improved police-community relations and  provides for an atmosphere for the police department and its citizens to interact.

The theme for this year will be a community cook out and free concert. NYCRPD Officers and Staff will still be preparing and serving hamburgers and hot dogs. Additional food and snacks will be added as sponsors and vendors are confirmed.

NYCRPD’s National Night Out will be held at the Union Fire and Hose Company located at 30 East Canal Street in Dover Borough.

Everything at the event is free of charge and is open to anyone living in Conewago Township, Dover Borough, Dover Township, Franklin Township, Heidelberg Township, Jackson Township, Manchester Township, Manheim Township, North Codorus Township, North York Borough, and Paradise Township.

Local Country singer Corina Rose will be performing on the bandstand! (Please bring chairs/blankets)


Businesses and organizations are welcome to set up displays and booths at the event.  In keeping with our “Free” National Night Out, no sales can occur at the venue.  You are welcome to hand out samples/publicity items. Please contact the number below to reserve your space.


The Northern York County Regional Police National Night Out Committee is seeking monetary sponsors for the various events.  If you or your organization would like to donate to the event, please contact Lt. John Migatulski or Diane Wales at 717-292-0542.
